Saturday, December 5, 2009

She likes plastic. Mmmmmm!

Here is a photo of my little Alice and her favorite chew toy! That's right. A coat hangar. Usually, when Alice finds something that she wants to chew on, she will go off to somewhere remote so that you won't see her. This is what she looks like when she gets caught in the act!

It's been a long time.

Ok, ok. I know it's been way too long since my last post to even consider this an official blog. However, this dalmation is the fast track to weight loss (if there is one). I don't usually get to see my computer. Let alone blog!
So, in the last months my wife and I have been able to teach this little ball of hair to sit, lay down, roll over, shake hands, and eat treats off the top of her nose. I like where this is headed. I just don't know how smart she is. Have you ever seen the poker playing dog painting. Creepy!
A lot of what I read about dalmations says that the breed is high energy and can become aggressive. I haven't seen any aggression so to speak, but the energy level is at a high! I love Alice and wouldn't trade her for the world! Maybe I would trade her for all of the things she has eaten.

Monday, July 13, 2009

Home Sweet Home

Yesterday, my wife and I went to Illinois to pick up our dalmatian pup. It was the best of drives. It was the worst of drives. Too many cars. Too many toll booths. Too few good drivers.

If safety were a concern on the highway, most people would have to wear a helmet. I saw a few bikers on the highway going much faster than I and all without a helmet. I think the old drug awareness commercials should be rewritten to fit highway safety. This is your brain(showing a solid egg). This is your brain after it hit the pavement at 85 miles an hour without a helmet(showing an egg broken and strewn through the street). Of course, how many people did those old commercials get to anyway?

I suppose I could talk about nothing forever, but instead I'll make with the cute puppy pics!

Saturday, July 11, 2009

Seeing Spots

So, it's Saturday and my wife and I are very anxious to retrieve our dalmatian tomorrow. However, today we will be trying out some new digital cameras (also very exciting). I, myself, have been watching the 'dog whisperer' and taking notes. One of the most improtant things to remember when bringing a dog into a new environment is to stay calm and be assertive. I don't want the newest member of the pack to think she is the leader of the pack. This technique will be hard to keep up seeing how the puppy is just that... a puppy. On the subject of the camera, it will be nice to finally get some good photos of our home and neighborhood. I'm new to this blog thing and I want to do a good job of keeping it interesting. And yet, this is how I'll end my post.


Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Just a few more days.

I've been watching t.v. shows and reading just about anything I can get my hands on about buying, raising, and owning a dog. In four days my wife and I will be getting a Dalmatian. We're both excited and eager to start living with the new member to our family. Obviously we don't know what we're getting into. That's why before we go and wear ourselves out trying to get the best doggie shampoo and the best christmas doggie sweater or whatever else the books call necessities, we're picking a name. The only names we both somewhat agree on are Ruby and Dotty. I know, I know. Real intriquette. We've still got a few days.
It only occurred to me days ago that I should begin readying the house for a puppy. This seems a little late to me mainly because of the amount of electrical appliances I own. I wonder if the puppy will be ok with me playing the piano or my guitar. A part of me kind of wants the puppy to howl along as if to say, "I totally know where you're coming from.". Of course, that response would be more surprising than the dog talking to begin with.
Well, so as not to embarass myself with my obvious excitement, I bid you goodnight.